
Provides common mobile functionality between Shipper and Vendor components

POST api/Mobile/GetUserInfo

Used to authenicate user and profile user profile

POST api/Mobile/ChangePassword

Use this method to change a users password


Use these methods to manage the shipper functionality in mobile app

GET api/Shipper/GetActiveOrders/{UserGUID}

Used to retrieve the list of active orders for user

GET api/Shipper/GetOrderDetails/{UserGUID}/{ShipmentGUID}

Used to retrieve the order details

GET api/Shipper/GetRecentDeliveries/{UserGUID}

Used to retrieve recent deliveries for the user

GET api/Shipper/GetShipmentGUID/{UserGUID}/{TrackingNumber}

Used to retrieve the ShipmentGUID by providing a tracking number

GET api/Shipper/AddToWatchList/{UserGUID}/{ShipmentGUID}

Used to add a shipment to the watch list

GET api/Shipper/RemoveFromWatchList/{UserGUID}/{ShipmentGUID}

Used to remove a shipment from the user watch list

GET api/Shipper/GetWatchList/{UserGUID}

Used to retrieve the watch list for the specified user

GET api/Shipper/GetContactUsInfo/{UserGUID}

Use this method to retrieve "Contact Us" information for user

GET api/Shipper/GetGeoLocation/{UserGUID}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to get the current Geo Location of a shipment

POST api/Shipper/ServiceLookup

Use this method to get a list of service based on parameters (or order entry screen)

POST api/Shipper/AddressSearch

Search users address book

POST api/Shipper/AddressCreate

Create a new address in users address book

POST api/Shipper/AddressUpdate

Update an existing address in users address book

POST api/Shipper/AddressDelete

Delete an address in users address book


Use these methods to manage the vendor functionality in mobile app

GET api/Vendor/SignOut/{UserGUID}

Used to specify when vendor logs out of app

GET api/Vendor/Ping/{UserGUID}/{LocationData}

Get updated geolocation and check for new alert

GET api/Vendor/VehicleList/{UserGUID}

Get vehicle list

POST api/Vendor/VehicleCheckOut

Used to checkout a vehicle

POST api/Vendor/VehicleCheckIn

Used to checkin a vehicle

GET api/Vendor/GetCurrentVehicleGUID/{UserGUID}

Get current Vehicle GUID

GET api/Vendor/GetTaskList/{UserGUID}/{LocationData}

Get Task List

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskPickupAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Pickup Alert Task (CONFALERTPU)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskDeliveryAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Delivery Alert Task (CONFALERTDEL)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskInRouteToPickup/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for En Route To Pickup Task (INROUTEPU).

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskPickup/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Pickup Task (PICKUP)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskDepartToAirport/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Depart To Airport Task (DEPTOAP)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskDrop/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Drop Task (DROP)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskRecover/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Recover Task (RECOVER)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskOutForDelivery/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Out for Delivery Task (OUTFORDEL)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskProofOfDelivery/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Proof Of Delivery Task (DELIVER)

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskPickupAlert

Update information for Pickup Alert Task (CONFALERTPU)

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskDeliveryAlert

Update information for Delivery Alert Task (CONFALERTDEL)

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskInRouteToPickup

Update information for In Route To Pickup Task (INROUTEPU).

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskPickup

Update information for Pickup Task (PICKUP)

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskDepartToAirport

Update information for Depart to Airport Task (DEPTOAP).

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskDrop

Update information for Drop Task (DROP)

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskRecover

Update information for Recover Task (RECOVER)

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskOutForDelivery

Update information for Out for Delivery Task (OUTFORDEL).

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskProofOfDelivery

Update information for Proof of Delivery Task (DELIVER)

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskTransferRecoverAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Used to perform the transfer recover alert confirm step

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskTransferDropAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Use to select information for the transfer drop alert step

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskTransferRecover/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Used to select data for the transfer recover task

GET api/Vendor/SelectTaskTransferDrop/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Select information for transfer drop task

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskTransferRecoverAlert

Use this method to confirm the transfer recover alert

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskTransferDropAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Use this method to confrm the transfer drop alert

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskTransferRecover

Use this method to confirm transfer recover

POST api/Vendor/UpdateTaskTransferDrop

Use this method to confirm transfer drop